Regenera Technology

Regenera Technology
Regenera Technology

In just 1 session, hair loss is stopped, and active growth is stimulated using the innovative Regenera technique. 

Hair loss is a widespread phenomenon among women and men. This is a pathology, the frequency of which increases with age, but also occurs in youth. It is fundamentally important to fight the disease in a timely manner. 

Treatment with the Regenera protocol is a method aimed at awakening “sleeping” hair follicles and stimulating them to produce new hair, as well as strengthening already active follicles. 

This technology is based on the use of micrographs located in the vasculo-stromal fraction, and stimulates their activity for the growth of new hair. The body itself activates its own resources of the skin and follicles, which enables to achieve a more natural, long-lasting and effective result. 


- The material is taken from the patient himself, so the possibility of rejection or allergic reactions is excluded, and maximum biocompatibility is ensured.
- Regenera method involves the use of a single protein, which minimizes the risk of infection
- To prepare the suspension, a minimum amount of material is required, and its extraction is carried out by a minimally invasive method, avoiding pain, bleeding and long-term healing.
- The procedure takes only a few minutes (30-40 minutes).)
- Processing of the biomaterial eliminates fermentation and chemical reactions, so the patient receives exclusively concentrated serum without foreign drugs
- The effect manifests itself after 21 days, and the result is visible from the first procedure 


- Androgenetic alopecia
- Diffuse alopecia
- Telogen alopecia (acute, chronic course, but without fibrosis)
- Scarring alopecia
- Thinning of hair after stress, illness or after surgery
- Recovery after pregnancy and lactation
- Slow hair growth, dissatisfaction with the volume and density of hair 


- Severe form of diabetes mellitus
- Oncological diseases
- Blood clotting disorders
- Skin diseases, including herpes, psoriasis, neurodermatitis
- Epilepsy
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases
- Pregnancy and lactation
If the hormonal imbalance is eliminated and prevented, the results are preserved forever!
Certified by ISO, CE, approved and listed in the US FDA Register

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