

The use of exosomes in cosmetology and dermatology has become a real breakthrough in the fight against premature aging. 

Exosomes are a unique way to restore skin quality. After exposure to exosomes, we always observe a powerful production of collagen and elastin, the adjustment of molecular processes, and, as a result, skin rejuvenation and healing. These are nutrition, recovery, healing and regeneration at the cellular level. 

What result do we get from exomes? 

- Tissue regeneration
- Reducing inflammation
- Regulation of cell aging
- Angiogenesis
- Antioxidant effect and effect on genes 

Thus, the skin will be: young, elastic, without age spots and wrinkles, as well as hydrated, radiant from the inside, without scars and spots from post-acne.


- Decreased skin tone, atony, flabbiness
- Formation of superficial or deep wrinkles
- Dull complexion
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Patient’s desire to prevent and delay skin aging


- Pregnancy and lactation
- Infectious processes in the body
- Oncology
- Immunodeficiency
- Acute insufficiency of the cardiovascular system

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