PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy
PRP -Therapy

PRP is obtained from the patient’s own blood by centrifuging blood in special test tubes with the addition of an activator. 

Blood contains a relatively small number of platelets, which are responsible for tissue repair, accelerating regeneration. The artificial concentration of platelets in the plasma, which is administered to the patient, allows you to stimulate the synthesis of collagen. As a result, the cells are quickly rejuvenated, the blood is saturated with vitamins, the skin is toned, affects the deep levels of the epidermis. 

PRP therapy helps to achieve the following results: 

- overall improvement of the skin condition
- increased turgor, tone, elasticity and contractility
- elimination of fine facial/reticular wrinkles and deep structural folds
- improve your complexion
- alignment of the skin microrelief
- eliminate dark circles and bags under the eyes
- lightening of post-acne spots
- neutralization of age spots (including age-related and hormonal ones)
- soft atraumatic tissue lift in gravitational ptosis (Grade 1-2)
- relief of inflammation and irritation 

As a rule, the PRP effect is visible from the first session. It has a cumulative effect and increases in the next 2-3 weeks. The treatment program is compiled individually, depending on the personal characteristics and needs of each patient. 


- dry and thin skin
- appearance of wrinkles, age spots
- deterioration of the skin condition due to unfavorable living conditions, bad habits, constant stress
- restoration of the injured layer of the epidermis
- evening out the normal color and relief of the skin
- regulation of the sebaceous glands, narrow and clean clogged pores
- final elimination of traces of post-acne 


- critical thrombocytopenia (platelet count less than 100 thousand / µL, hemoglobin level less than 100 g/l)
- hemodynamic instability
- anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy
- oncological diseases
- chronic decompensated liver pathology

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