Face and body modeling with ROBOLEX PLUS

Face and body modeling with ROBOLEX PLUS
Face and body modeling with ROBOLEX PLUS

Robolex Plus is a new generation device for multifunctional layer-by-layer modeling of the body and face. 

Regular lack of sleep, lack of physical activity, instability in nutrition lead to the fact that the condition of tissues begins to deteriorate. Turgor decreases, pastyness of tissues increases, cellulite and fat deposits appear in the most noticeable places. You can fix these problems with Robolex Plus.

ROBOLEX acts directly on the condition of adipose tissue cells, muscle tissue and epidermis, which provides an effective tightening of flabby skin, reducing the volume of adipose tissue and edema, strengthening and developing muscle fibers. 

The high efficiency of this device enables to achieve a noticeable effect after 1 procedure, but the most important thing is that it is safe, comfortable and completely painless. 

You return to the usual rhythm of life immediately after the procedure and see the first results without leaving the office.


- Localized fat deposits-silhouette remodeling
- Skin atonicity
- Lymphostasis
- Swelling and pasty face
- Cellulite
- Reduced muscle tone
- Rehabilitation after injuries
- Rehabilitation after childbirth
- Rehabilitation after injection and hardware procedures
- Metabolic disorders


- Pregnancy
- Cancer
- Inflammatory skin diseases
- Open injuries and cuts

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