Mesotherapy injections for skin, hair and scalp

Mesotherapy injections for skin, hair and scalp
Mesotherapy injections for skin, hair and scalp

Mesotherapy is the introduction of drugs into the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue to improve their condition. The procedure helps to make the skin more elastic and hydrated. 

Drugs are selected individually, which helps to get the maximum effect in each individual case. After the examination, the doctor identifies the main problems and determines the required cocktail of vitamins, minerals and active substances. This approach provides a long-lasting and lasting effect of mesotherapy, which removes not only the symptoms of the problem, but also the problem itself. 

Mesotherapy is performed in a minimally invasive way. Mesotherapy treats acne, rosacea, and removes puffiness and bruises under the eyes. The skin is smoothed out after the introduction of nutrients, wrinkles and scars on the face become less noticeable. Injections may be made for different areas of the body. 

Indications for mesotherapy of the face and neck 

- Dry or oily skin
- Acne and post-acne
- Flabbiness, low tone
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Fine lines
- Rosacea
- Dull skin color
- Signs of photo-aging
- Scars
- Age spots
- Any cosmetic defects
- A second chin 

Indications for mesotherapy of the body 

- Dermatological problems
- Sagging skin
- Stretch marks
- Cellulite
- Scars
- Age spots 

Indications for mesotherapy of the scalp 

- Nesting and diffuse alopecia
- Seborrhea, dandruff
- Slowing down growth
- Dry and brittle hair
- Increased oiliness of the skin
- Inflammation


- Allergy to certain components of the drug
- Pregnancy and lactation
- Keloid scars
- Diabetes
- Infectious skin inflammations
- Taking anticoagulants
- Blood clotting disorders

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