Contour plastic surgery

Contour plastic surgery
Contour plastic surgery

Making your face even more perfect, giving the desired symmetry or relief without a scalpel and long rehabilitation may be possible thanks to the contouring procedure. 

Contouring is an injectable method of cosmetology based on the introduction of fillers into the dermis. 

The purpose of injections is different: 

- increase the volume in a certain area
- fill in wrinkles
- improve the facial oval
- an overall harmonious look of the face 

Most often, they are used to increase the volume of the lips, remove nasolabial folds, make the face more prominent by highlighting the zygomatic zone, giving clarity to the corners of the jaw.

Types of contouring 

- Lip contouring
- Cheekbone correction
- Correction of the nasolacrimal sulcus
- Correction of nasolabial folds
- Chin correction
- Correction of lower jaw angles


- Pregnancy and lactation
- Exacerbation of herpes-active infectious diseases
- Oncology
- Endocrine disorders in particular, diabetes
- Problems with blood clotting
- Tendency to scar formation
- Skin damage

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