Fighting against acne: the iO Clinic doctors scientific approach

Fighting against acne: the iO Clinic doctors scientific approach
#Skin Treatment

Causes of acne on the face and body

Acne, also known as acne, an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous hair follicle, is one of the most common skin conditions. Acne occurs in people of all ages, but most often occurs in adolescence.

"Acne on the face, neck, back, breast is a common unpleasant skin problem in both women and men. The causes and forms of acne can be varied and often include a combination of internal and external factors. iO doctors use well-chosen home care and a systemic approach to treat underlying causes with minimal remission using world-leading protocols. To treat the consequences of acne, the clinic uses laser grinding, RF-lifting, IPL Lumecca phototherapy, PRP therapy, mesotherapy depending on the indications and skin condition", - Alina Gaidar, doctor at iO Clinic, dermatocosmetologist with successful experience in acne treatment.

Hormonal changes that cause acne

Hormonal changes are one of the main causes of acne. During puberty, the body begins to produce more androgens - hormones that stimulate the work of the sebaceous glands. Increased secretion of sebum contributes to the formation of clogged pores, which leads to the development of blackheads, or so-called hormonal acne. In addition, hormonal changes can be associated with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or taking hormonal contraceptives.

Genetic predisposition to acne

Genetics also play an important role in the development of acne. If parents had problems with acne, the probability of their appearance in children increases significantly. Some genes can affect the sensitivity of the skin to hormones, the functioning of the immune system and the ability of the skin to regenerate.

Improper skin care aggravates acne

Improper skin care can worsen the situation with acne and increase the areas of acne breakouts. Using aggressive skin cleansers, frequent face rubbing, squeezing pimples - all this can lead to skin irritation and the spread of bacteria. It is important to choose care products suitable for your skin type and to avoid aggressive mechanical effects.

Improper nutrition and medical drugs provoke rashes on the body

Nutrition can also affect the condition of the skin. Some studies indicate a link between the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index, dairy products and the development of acne. At the same time, other studies refute this connection. However, a healthy and balanced diet generally has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Medical drugs, such as anabolics, glucocorticoids, testosterone, progesterone, also provoke acne on the face, neck, back and body.

Stress = acne on the face and body

Stress is another factor that can worsen skin conditions. During stressful situations, the body produces more cortisol, a stress hormone that stimulates the sebaceous glands. This can lead to an increase in the secretion of sebum and the formation of new rashes on the skin.

External factors of acne

External factors such as polluted air, high humidity, hot weather and the use of appropriate cosmetics can contribute to acne. Polluted air contains toxins that can irritate the skin, and high humidity contributes to clogged pores.

Acne treatment methods

Acne is a complex disease, the causes of which can be diverse and multifactorial. Understanding these causes will help you fight acne more effectively and reduce its manifestations. It is important to consult a dermatologist to determine an individual treatment and skin care plan. We advise you not to use acne products without first consulting a doctor, so as not to worsen the current condition of the epidermis and dermis.

Exacerbation of acne requires immediate medical attention. Treatment of acne with a visible result is one of the key vectors of the work of dermatocosmetologists at iO Clinic, located in the very center of Kyiv. We use advanced methods of acne treatment based on the latest world achievements of cosmetology.

After the first consultation in the clinic, you will gain an understanding of:

- about the condition of your skin
- individual acne treatment protocol
- acne care cosmetics you are needed
- general recommendations of the doctor regarding nutrition and daily routine


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